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    KS3 Support

    Key Stage 3 Support inc FAQs

    KS3 Assessment Information Evening and Supporting your child in English and Maths

    This was an opportunity for parents/ carers who wish to find out more about assessment and reporting in Key Stage 3 (our system of MEAs) at Prince Henry’s, alongside an opportunity to see examples of how the English and Maths faculties will work with your children over the next few years.

    Please see a PDF of the presentation from the 2023 evening and resources for English and Maths below.

    Presentation first slide

    English Resources

    KS3 Literacy Mat

    Developing Writing Skills at Home

    Proof Reading - 10 Steps

    KS3 Reading List

    The Independent 50 Top Books 

    The Guardian Top 10 books for teenagers

    Reading Matrix

    Reading Non Fiction activity sheet

    Reading Non Fiction activity sheet - answers

    Writing Matrix

    Further Resources

    Maths Resources

    Maths Assessment Dates

    See also Numeracy Resources.

    Our Vision for Key Stage 3

    In Key Stage 3, we aim to support the school’s vision and prepare students for Key Stage 4 by ensuring that we give students a wide variety of experiences, through an engaging and enjoyable range of activities completed within lessons, registration, around school and in the local community.

     Students working with textbook

    As part of this vision each year group has a particular focus:

    Year 7 - Induction

    The aim of this year is to induct students into the Prince Henry’s Grammar School routines, with a particular focus on our behaviour expectations. We will strive to encourage students to be independent learners, to support the community by raising money for a local charity and by taking responsibility for their own actions.

    Year 8 - Opportunity

    The aim of this year is to encourage students to make progress, have ambition and be role models to the younger students. Students will also be encouraged to make the most of opportunities available outside of the classroom through their position as school ambassadors and through the increased availability of extra-curricular trips and activities.

    Year 9 - Responsibility

    The aim of this year is to ensure that students have the best opportunity to make progress in line with their MEA grades, to be responsible, to show respect and to be role models to the younger students. Furthermore, they are expected to make choices that will lead to them engaging in a successful, more personalised, programme of study in KS4.