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Admissions Form for Students from Other Schools

Siblings: If there are brothers/sisters in school, please give their full name and present Form
Sibling 1
Sibling 2
Sibling 3
Sibling 4

Address of student

Details of Parents/Carers (for full emergency contact information see below)

Educational History


This information is treated in strictest confidence by the school and is requested purely for statistical returns to the Education Authority so that spending can be more closely targeted. These returns DO NOT include include individual's names/details. We ask for your co-operation in completing this information fully so that the school can obtain any extra funding that may be available from time to time.

Medical Information

Emergency Contact Details

The information given to school for emergency contacts MUST be kept up to date. It is ESSENTIAL that Parents/Carers inform school immediately of any changes to addresses, telephone numbers or contact details.

Please give details of ALL PERSONS who have legal parental responsibility for this student and anyone who can be contacted in an emergency.

PRIORITY CONTACT NO 1 (this should be a parent/carer) will receive a text message if the student is absent during morning registration unless prior communication to the absence number has been given. Emergency contacts should be people who live or work within travelling distance of school. Please indicate clearly the telephone number (including the STD code) of emergency contacts and list them in the order you prefer them to be contacted.

Contact Priority 1

Which number should we ring first in an emergency?*
Does the above have legal Parental Responsibility for the child?*

Contact Priority 2

Which number should we ring first in an emergency?*
Does the above have legal Parental Responsibility for the child?*

Contact Priority 3

Which number should we ring first in an emergency?
Does the above have legal Parental Responsibility for the child?

Contact Priority 4

Which number should we ring first in an emergency?
Does the above have legal Parental Responsibility for the child?

Census Information

Are you an Armed Forces Family?*
How will your child travel to school?
Dietary Needs

Data Protection

We collect and use personal data in order to meet certain legal requirements. Under the GDPR, this is known as “Legal obligation”. Relevant laws include:
• Article 6 and Article 9 of the GDPR
• Education Act 1996
• Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006
• Education (Information About Individual Pupils) (England) Regulations 2013
• Children’s and Families Act 2014, section 69
In some cases, we use personal data as part of our day-to-day function as a school even though there may not be a specific law covering this. This is part of our “Public task” to educate and support our students.

The majority of the data you provide to us is mandatory (ie we do not need your permission to hold this data).

The law requires us to share students’ data with the Department for Education (DfE).
We do not share personal data with anyone else without consent unless the law and our policies
allow us to do so. As well as the DfE, we routinely share certain types of personal data with:
• Examination boards
• Off-site learning providers (for students following alternative learning programmes)
• Other schools (eg when students move to another school)
• Leeds City Council (and other local authorities, where appropriate)
• National Health Service
• West Yorkshire Police
• Youth support services

To read our Privacy Notice for Students, Parents and Carers, please click here

Data Privacy*