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Language Evening Classes 2024/2025

Our extensive programme of language learning opportunities for the local community continues to thrive. We believe that no other secondary school in West Yorkshire offers such a diverse range of language courses on just one site, as part of its own independent programme. All our courses take place on site at Prince Henry's Grammar School in Otley.

If you have learned a language with us in the past, we hope you will join us again in the coming year. If you have not yet taken advantage of this unique language-learning resource, we would be delighted to welcome you on to our programme.

We can take enrolments for Languages courses at any time through the year, except for Beginners courses.

When selecting a language course, you are welcome to call our Programme Director, Christopher Lillington, to discuss which level may be most appropriate for you. The following provides a general guide. Christopher is also available to discuss which level is appropriate for you on our Enrolment Evening in early September. We are very flexible, so if you begin a course, and it is agreed with your tutor that the level is incorrect, we are happy to move you, as long as places are available.

Fees and how to enrol are here.

Level Description

An introductory course with a particular focus on basic “holiday language”. For those with very little or no previous knowledge.

PLEASE NOTE: the Beginners’ course is intended for students learning the language “from scratch”. If you wish to take up a language which you have studied in the past, please try the Continuation course rather than the Beginners course. This will ensure that both you and the other students in the group get the most out of the course.

Continuation A continuation of the beginners’ course, this level revises and builds on basic knowledge. At least one year of previous study.

Intermediate 1

A stronger focus on grammatical awareness and conversational language, moving on from “holiday language”. At least two years of previous study.
Intermediate 2 For students who want to be able to converse using a wider range of tenses and topics. At least three years of previous study.

Intermediate 3

For students working at approximately GCSE level with a secure grasp of grammar, who wish to build their vocabulary and develop their fluency. At least four years of previous study.
Conversation / Advanced This course has a strong focus on conversational language and makes use of authentic texts and listening material. At least five years of previous study (six years in French.)


Level Day Time Tutor
Intermediate 2 Monday 7pm - 9pm  Fanny Walters
Conversation/Advanced - SOLD OUT Tuesday 7pm - 9pm  Fanny Walters


Level Day Time Tutor
Beginners Monday 7pm - 9pm  Maren Swift
Continuation Tuesday 7pm - 9pm Maren Swift
Intermediate 1 Monday 7pm - 9pm Gary Chambers
Conversation/Advanced Tuesday 7pm - 9pm  Imme Feist


Level Day Time Tutor
Beginners (starts 23rd September) Monday 7pm - 9pm Anne Murtough 
Continuation (starts 24th September) Tuesday 7pm - 9pm Anne Murtough


Level Day Time Tutor
Beginners - very limited places Wednesday 6.30pm - 8.30pm Nicky Mosso Zolessi
Conversation/Advanced Tuesday 7pm - 9pm Elena Monstesano

Mandarin Chinese

Level Day Time Tutor
Continuation Wednesday 6.30pm - 8.30pm Miffy Loxton


Level Day Time Tutor
Beginners - limited places available Monday 7pm - 9pm Sandra Luz Santos


Level Day Time Tutor
Beginners Monday 7pm - 9pm Julia Taran


Level Day Time Tutor
Beginners - limited places available Monday 7pm - 9pm Ruth Kitchen
Continuation Tuesday 7pm - 9pm Isabel Ruiz
Intermediate 1 Wednesday 7pm - 9pm Isabel Ruiz
Intermediate 3 Monday 7pm - 9pm Isabel Ruiz

British Sign Language

Level Day Time Tutor
BSL Level One - very limited places now available
Please see important information about BSL here.
Monday 7pm - 9pm Karen Healy
BSL Level Two (12 week blocks)
Please see important information about BSL here.
Wednesday 7pm - 9pm Karen Healy


Courses run initially for 10 weeks.  

Autumn Term starts starting w/c Monday 16th September 2024. Please see individual classes for exceptions. 

All our language courses run for the Autumn Term initially. In most cases, students will be invited to continue for a further term after Christmas, and then another term after Easter. Therefore, many courses actually run for 3 terms in total. We use this system of termly enrolment because our students prefer it.