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Travelling to Prince Henry's

Where possible, we encourage students to travel to Prince Henry’s on foot or by bus, to reduce congestion and support sustainability. 

If you need to use a car to travel to school in the evenings, you will find the Farnley Lane Car Park is quieter, and you can park right out on to the hardstanding through the trees. There is also easily accessible off site parking on Farnley Lane and above Wharfemeadows Park, from which you can access the school on foot.

If you need to use a disabled parking space, there are two disabled parking bays in the Newall Carr Road car park, near to the main Reception entrance.

On the first evening, we ask everyone to enter school through the main Reception doors, where we can greet you and help you find your class. Due to the location of some classes and the size of the school, we may suggest alternative entrances and parking areas for classes which are not based in this area of school, after the first week.

We ask that you park with consideration for our neighbours and do not park in Prince Henry’s Court or in the Yew Tree Pub car park when attending classes. Sometimes, classes may be cancelled due to large events at school - these planned cancellations will be clearly marked in the diary dates leaflet you receive when you enrol. You can also check our School Calendar on our website.