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5. Agreements and Consents

5.1 PHGS Charter for Parents

Parents have a right to expect the school to:
  • have due regard for their child's safety and welfare.
  • keep them informed about his/her academic progress and any behaviour problems.
  • respond to their concerns and enquiries.
  • provide effective teaching in a disciplined environment.
  • set regular and appropriate home learning.
  • deal fairly and consistently with all students.
  • praise and reward students for positive attitudes and behaviour.
Parents have a responsibility to:
  • ensure that their child attends school.
  • provide explanations for absence before 8.30am every day.
  • ensure that the child possesses the required items of school uniform and equipment.
  • check the home learning planner and satisfy themselves that home learning is being done to the best of the child's ability.
  • support the school's disciplinary approach.
  • ensure their child understand how to behave in a safe and sensible manner when travelling to and from school, including public transport.
  • communicate respectfully with staff at all times.

5.3 Consent for Use of Students' Images and Videos

Section under development.

5.4 PE Extra-Curricular Consent

All our PE consents and information are run through the Squad in Touch app.