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Exams and Outcomes

Summer Exams 2024

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Outcomes 2023

At Prince Henry's, we are very proud of the results our students achieve. Information on our external results can be seen at the foot of this page.

Prince Henry's Grammar School A Level Results 2023

"We are all incredibly proud of our sixth form students in navigating through the past few years of exam uncertainty, securing outstanding results and demonstrating tenacity and resilience in their journey towards their chosen pathways. A huge congratulations and well done goes to all of our students – your school, community, and families couldn’t be more delighted and proud of you all. The vast majority have secured a place at their first choice university, apprenticeship or workplace. We wish all of them the very best for their next steps whatever their destination.”

Sally Bishop, Headteacher, Prince Henry’s Grammar School

Comparisons to previous years understandably remain difficult in light of the considerable disruptions faced with exams more recently and the fluctuation of methodology and tolerance. However, overall, our excellence in academic performance is retained with an overall pass rate of 99.3%. The percentage of higher grades awarded remains strong with 77.3% of all grades awarded at A* - C, which is an increase from the same set of grades awarded just prior to Covid in 2019, and above national, and the average points score increasing to 34.89.

There are some amazing individual success stories across the full range of academic achievement. At the top end a number of students gained straight A or A* grades. Three students secured an impressive suite of A* grades and go on to their first choice of university with Rhuaridh Turner taking up a place at Nottingham to study Veterinary Medicine, Harrisen Crowder gaining his place to study Design Engineering at Imperial College, London and Jake Powell going on to study Medicine at Sheffield.

Eleven students achieved a mixture of A* and A grades and also progress to their first choice. Among them are Patrick Timmins, Sam Finney and Tom Macauley who have each secured their place at Durham to read Geography, Engineering and Maths respectively, Lia Chew who will progress to Manchester to study Zoology, Josh Carter who heads off to Warwick to pursue a degree in Maths, and Jake Greenwood who will take up his place at Sheffield to study Electronic and Electrical Engineering. There were a number of other high-achieving students collecting straight A’s who included Harvey Nicholson who will read Spanish at Oxford, Isobel Heap who will read Music at Cambridge and Tia Tinkler who moves on to Queen’s University, Belfast to study Psychology.

Also of note were top achievers in our vocational programmes, many of whom will go on to take up places at university or on apprenticeships which are rapidly gaining in popularity. In addition to the more traditional courses, the eclectic variety of destinations and subjects for our students this year is testament to the forwardthinking advice given to our sixth form, where new opportunities are increasingly promoted and taken up. These include subjects as various as Marine Zoology, Forestry, Cybersecurity, Journalism, Digital Marketing and Financial planning as well as a growing number choosing gap years.

We are particularly proud of a number of our students who have faced challenges around special educational needs and disabilities and of course there are many more personal success stories too numerous to mention. It should go without saying that we are proud of each and every one of our students for their endeavors and hard work whatever grades are achieved or destinations are being embarked upon.

“I’d like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank and congratulate the sustained efforts of our committed and dedicated staff at Prince Henry’s who continue to go the extra mile to ensure that our students can really flourish and achieve, fully equipped both academically and personally. The continued success of Prince Henry’s is due to their hard work and the commitment of our amazing students. Well done to all!”

Sally Bishop, Headteacher, Prince Henry’s Grammar School

Prince Henry's Grammar School GCSE Results 2023

We are all incredibly proud of our Year 11 students at Prince Henry’s, who, with the support of their teachers, have achieved an excellent set of GCSE results in the return to pre-pandemic standardisation.  They have shown remarkable perseverance since their education was first interrupted by the pandemic early in their secondary education in Year 8, to be rewarded with some extremely strong outcomes, particularly at the higher end. An impressive number achieved top grades across a range of subjects, surpassing national averages by some way, including around 8% at grade 9, which is 3% above national. A phenomenal 35% of all grades awarded were at 9-7 which, when compared with the national average of 22% this year is particularly impressive. Students achieved a number of other firsts in various other measures, including 61% who achieved a strong pass (5+) in both English and Maths, which surpasses the same measure from 2019 and those previously, with similar trends also seen in Humanities and Languages.  As usual there is much to celebrate with numerous individual accomplishments hidden amongst the data to outline our pride in Prince Henry’s being a fully inclusive school supporting all students to reach their personal goals. Early indications show that our Value-Added Progress 8 figure will be significantly above average and higher than previous reliable records once the national picture is more secure.

There are some amazing individual successes with an impressive number of students securing the highest grades in their GCSEs. There are too many to mention here, but of special note are Yunhan Wu, James Lunn, Tom Ng and George Stocks who each claimed an impressive suite of top grades at 9 and 8 from all subjects.  Additionally, the following students were amongst those who received 7-9 across all of their subjects; Thomas Holder, Samuel Petrie, Imogen Baker, Robin Marsh, Eleanor Davison, Shona Mallen, Sam Rhodes, Carys Bownes, Isabel Hart and Charlie Morley.  Assessing value added, or progress data, there were some fantastic achievements from Hannah Bellamy, Lucy Chambers, Jack Wilks and Charlotte Reeves as well as a large number of others.  Finally, of course, it goes without saying that equally impressive were the individual performances from a large number of students who overcame their own difficulties or for whom their set of results are a truly remarkable achievement.  We are proud of you all for your hard work and commitment, and for what you have achieved, despite the many challenges.

The majority of our Year 11 students will continue studying in our Sixth Form, but there are still a limited number of places available on some courses for other students wishing to join our highly successful sixth form provision at Prince Henry’s Grammar School.

I am extremely proud of all of our Year 11 students - they have clearly shown determination and resilience working hard to secure amazing outcomes and an unprecedented number of top grades. Our students have shown real dedication to their learning and this, together with the expert teaching, guidance and support from our committed and hard-working staff means that students have achieved their very best and in many cases, beyond expectations. It is really pleasing to see so many students achieve the grades they need to progress to the next stage of their learning and we wish all of them the very best for their futures, regardless of their destination. My congratulations go to all our students, and staff for their hard work, tenacity and unwavering commitment – well done!”

Sally Bishop, Headteacher


Published destinations data can be viewed on the performance tables website shown here.

Published Results

The full Department for Education performance tables can be viewed here

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A Level Information

GCSE Information

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Exam Certificates

Exam Certificate Information – collecting your certificates

Please return all forms to the Exams Office as soon as possible.

Historical Results

Please use the links below to view a detailed summary of exam results by subject.