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Please see below for our most recent communications regarding testing. If your child is in Year 6 in July 21 and will be in Year 7 in Sept 21, please complete the testing form via the links in the letter here. If your child is in school years 7 to 12 in July 21 and will be in school years 8 to 13 in Sept 21, please complete the testing form via the links in the letter here.

Gavin Williamson, Secretary of State for Education, has written a letter to explain the importance of continuing to take part in the regular testing programme. You can find it here.

If you have completed a home test, please inform school of the result via this form.

Students should take their first home test on the evening of Sunday 21st March (or the morning of Monday 22nd March). 

Please note the following important information regarding storage of the test kits:

Store the test kit at room temperature or in a cool dry place (2°C to 30°C). Do not leave in direct sunlight and do not store in a fridge or freezer. The kit should be used at room temperature (15°C to 30°C). If the kit has been stored in a cool area (less than 15°C), leave it at normal room temperature for 30 minutes before using.

What should you do after the home lateral flow test?

Each time your child completes a test, you need to report their test result to NHS Test and Trace, and also to Prince Henry’s through this link. This includes all test results, whether positive, negative or void. You will receive a text or email from NHS Test & Trace confirming that you have reported your test result.

In the case of a positive test result only, please also contact us immediately on 01943 463524, or via so that we can begin to identify any close contacts in school. If your child tests positive then you, your child, your household and any support bubbles you are part of must self-isolate immediately in line with NHS Test and Trace guidance for 10 days. You should also book or order a confirmatory PCR test here. If the PCR test is negative, it overrides the home lateral flow test and a child can return to school. Please inform school and send the NHS confirmation to If the PCR test is positive, inform school and follow the advice given by NHS Test and Trace.

If the result of the test is unclear (void) your child will need to do another test. If the next test is also void, they should take a PCR test.