Leeds City College and Leeds Sixth Form College
Leeds City College
Transition talk: http://bit.ly/LCCTT11
Assembly: http://bit.ly/LCCA11L
Campus videos:
- Park Lane Campus: http://bit.ly/LCCCVPL
- Printworks:http: http://bit.ly/LCCCVPW
- Quarry Hill: http://bit.ly/LCCCVQH
How to apply: http://bit.ly/LCCHTAV
ESOL: http://bit.ly/LCCESOL
SEND: http://bit.ly/LCCsend
Student support: http://bit.ly/LCCStudentSupport
What to expect at interview: http://bit.ly/LCCIS
T Levels: http://bit.ly/LCCTLv
Leeds Sixth Form College
Assembly: http://bit.ly/LSFCA1
Interview session: http://bit.ly/LSFCINT
Transition talk: http://bit.ly/LSFCTT