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Computing & Computer Science


Student at computerPrince Henry's is committed to preparing students for the future and recognises that digital skills and basic computer programming are an essential part of today’s curriculum. Students follow a comprehensive Computer Science curriculum, with opportunities to take part in many extra-curricular activities, such as Code Club and a trip to world famous Bletchley Park, amongst other things.

KS3 Curriculum

It is vital that students are able to use computers and relevant software independently. In order to achieve high levels of computing competence early, students study computing for one hour a week from Year 7 to 9 in mixed ability sets. This allows students to tackle challenging activities and cover topics in more depth, allowing them not only to expand their skills and knowledge, but also to gain confidence. We believe the projects we offer at KS3 prepare students well for KS4, this is supported by consistently outstanding results at all key stages. A list of the topics students will study in each year of KS3 is shown below:

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9


Programming with Scratch

Graphics editing

How computers work

Interactive multimedia

Modelling data

Artificial Intelligence and future technologies



Programming with Python

Graphics editing

How computers work

Web design

Modelling data

Augmented Reality and Careers



Programming with Python


Cyber security

Web design

Modelling data

Multimedia project

Technology and the environment


We follow the National Curriculum for Computing, covering three areas:

  • Computer Science
  • Digital Literacy
  • Information Technology

KS4 Curriculum

At KS4, students can opt for Creative iMedia, which is a new and exciting graphics/Media course where students learn how to make high quality multimedia products in a range of industry standard software. Overview Y10. 

Students can also opt for GCSE Computer Science, which is proving to be a successful and challenging course. Students follow a comprehensive curriculum and learn to program in Python. This course also prepares students well for the rigours of A Level. Overview Y10.

KS5 Curriculum

In the Sixth Form, students may continue to extend their knowledge and understanding from the Creative iMedia course with a clear progression pathway to OCR Level 3 Digital Media.

GCSE Computer Science students can follow a clear progression to A Level Computer Science, which is proving to be a popular and successful course at Prince Henry's.

Students do not need to have done either of our GCSE courses in order to follow any of our successful A Level options and can even choose to do both, if they wish.

Please see the Key Stage 4 Options and Sixth Form pages for details of our KS4 and KS5 courses.


Assessment plays a crucial role in the development and learning for all students and each member of the faculty ensures assessment takes place, with feedback provided, in the following ways:  

  • Assessment for learning (Checking understanding and informing next steps): A range of strategies are used to check understanding and inform next steps including multiple choice quizzes at the start of units, questions at the start of every lesson that reflect on previous learning and/or check understanding about the lesson topics to be covered and questioning in class – mix of open and closed questions. 
  • Assessment as learning (Helping students embed knowledge): Helping students to embed knowledge occurs through a mid-unit assessment leading to DIRT task, questioning in class – mix of open and closed questions, in class low stakes quizzes, a home learning book for GCSE Computer Science, practical skills development in programming, and project work, writing, testing and evaluating programs, in lesson activities to reinforce learning with past paper questions included for self-review and class discussion.  
  • Assessment of learning (Measuring how much learning has taken place): Measuring how much learning has taken place includes plenary questions reviewing learning in that lesson, summative assessment of final piece of work for the unit, a multiple choice quiz to end the unit, mock exams / KS3 exams, end of topic assessments comprising past paper questions with all topics covered to encourage greater retention of learning from previous weeks/months, tests every three weeks in A Level Computer Science, programming challenges, assessment of NEA tasks. 
  • Assessments have been calendared to try and fit closely to data entry points – main assessments take place at the beginning, middle and end of each topic in KS3, at the end of topics / in the 2nd half of each half term in KS4 Computer Science, every 3 weeks in A Level Computer Science and development of the NEA in Year 13 is closely monitored throughout the year.


KS3 students have the opportunity to join the Code Club, which runs weekly throughout the year.

All students in Years 7-9, and those studying Computer Science in Years 10-13, are entered into the Bebras competition to encourage problem solving skills.Sixth Formers explaining automatic pill dispenser design project

Year 9 students have the opportunity to take part in the BIMA Digital day, giving students an insight into a world of digital careers. Students get to meet digital experts and compete in a sponsored, nationwide digital challenge.

Year 10 and 12 students have recently had the opportunity to visit Bletchley Park and learn about the vital role played by the code-breakers in WW2, and plans for further visits are ongoing.

All students also have access to computing facilities during lunchtime and after school.