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Well-being Support for Parents & Carers

For parents and carers and students who are in need of additional support, a range of services can be accessed through the Otley, Pool and Bramhope Cluster. These include

  • TAMHS - Targeted Mental Health in Schools. This is counselling for young people.
  • Adult Counselling
  • Parenting Support
  • Intensive Family Support

Click here to see how the support at Prince Henry's works.

If you feel that you or your child may benefit from these services, please talk to your child's Year Manager or Mr Wilson, Assistant Headteacher: Learner Support.

Other sources of support

Mental Health Resources

Resource What you will find

Mental Health Advice - Apps, website & podcasts

CAMHS logo CAMHS stands for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service. It's a service for children and young people under 18 and their families and it's part of the NHS. It has pages for young people and parents and carers.
Mindmate logo If you’re a young person, MindMate can help you understand the way you’re feeling and find the right advice and support. Also has pages for parents and carers.
Kooth logo

Free, safe, anonymous support for young people.

How to sign up to Kooth.

Kooth FAQs (children & young people).

More info about Kooth.

Qwell logo

A free, safe, anonymous online mental health service available to adults (aged 18+) in Bradford, Craven, Airedale and Wharfedale.

How to sign up to Qwell.

Qwell FAQs.

More info about Qwell.

The Mix logo

The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. We are here to help you take on any challenge you’re facing - from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs. Talk to us via our online community, on social, through our free, confidential helpline or our counselling service.
Young Minds logo Resources and advice to support young people's mental health.
Emerging Minds Resources and advice to support young people's mental health.
Headspace Meditation has been shown to help people stress less, focus more and even sleep better. Headspace is meditation made simple. We'll teach you the life-changing skills of meditation and mindfulness in just a few minutes a day Go to the website or get the app.
Calm logo An app for meditation and sleep.
Calm Moment Recommendations of the best podcasts for mental health.
Podcast icon


Google podcasts (for Android)

BBC podcasts

Apple podcasts (on your iPad or iPhone)

Audible (30 day free trial)


Mental Health Advice - Mindfulness ideas
Adult colouring sheet

There are lots of websites that are giving out free colouring pages that you can download and print as a mindfulness activity. Try

Baking image

Why not try to make something tasty? If you have the ingredients then give it a go!

Quiz speech bubble

Quizzes can be a fun distraction and keep your brain busy and away from negative thoughts. Why not try some of these websites?

Person reading a book surrounded by piles of books

Reading is a good way of escaping reality when things are stressful. Try to find a quiet spot and something that you actually enjoy reading! 

Have a look at the Library page if you need ideas!  

Audiobooks are also great so try Audible for some free downloads.

Mental Health information

Understanding Young People's Mental Health - a resource from Mental Health First Aid to help you understand mental health issues for people under the age of 24 and signs to look out for.

Sources of Stress for Young People

A collection of resources - a list of websites and resources to support parents and young people.

Self Care Strategies

Self care and Support - advice from Mental Health First Aid.

Anxiety and Stress - advice from our Pastoral Team.

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families logo Strategies to help you with your self care. These activities are not a substitute for seeing a mental health professional. Sometimes we need outside help and advice. Getting help is good. No-one should feel bad about it. That’s what this site is about.
Mind logo Advice on self care from MIND.
NHS logo Advice on self care from the NHS.
Who can I speak to in school?

You can talk to any of these members of staff about any mental health concern no matter how big or small. If you are concerned as a parent or carer, email and mark the email for the attention of the relevant member of staff.

Your Head of Key Stage  

KS3 - Mr Day

KS4 - Mr Knight

KS5 - Mrs Willis

Your Year Manager

KS3 - Miss Crosby, Mrs McQuire, Mrs Stewart

KS4 - Mrs Wood, Mrs Wells

KS5 - Mrs Robinson-Junni

Mental Health First Aiders and Pastoral Support Staff

Mrs Thomas - History Teacher 

Mrs Hunter - English teacher and Assistant Head of KS3

Ms Morris - Pastoral Support Officer 


REMEMBER - If you don't want to speak face to face, then use the SPEAK UP option on Sharepoint.

Who else can I get in touch with?
Helpful Resources for Young People's Mental Health - organisations collated by Mental Health First Aid.
Something to Read?

Library Shelf Help logo




Click on the link to go to our Library "Shelf-help" page on Sharepoint (you might need to log in on the way). Don't forget, we have lots of helpful books about mental health. Or you can contact Miss Wyss here

Use your phone to help

Use your phone to help

Read about the different ways your phone can help depending on what you feel you need. Email Mrs Thomas or Mrs Hunter if you want to know more

Daylio Mood Diary App FREE

Pick your mood and add activities you have been doing during the day. You can also add notes and keep an old school diary.

Entry takes just seconds but helps you enormously. You will discover hidden patterns and maybe use Daylio to create some useful habits like running, eating more healthy or waking up earlier.

Can't find what you're looking for....Find LOTS more here

Sane Textcare logo

Sane Textcare is a free service designed to provide emotional support and connection at the times you need it most. We provide bespoke one-way messages directly to your mobile phone.

This is a confidential service for those aged 16 and over, and each message sent will be individually written for you based on the information you give us in the sign up form. For this reason, you need to submit your request a minimum of 72 hours before the time you would like to receive a message, and we can’t send you more than one message in a seven day period.

Textcare is not a crisis service, and we can only respond to requests by the person who wants to receive the texts, not to ones sent on another person’s behalf.

We may on certain occasions call you to clarify what support might be helpful for us to include in our Textcare service to you.

You can choose if you would like one, three or five messages. If you would like to continue the support beyond this time, simply make another request.

Headspace logo Meditation has been shown to help people stress less, focus more and even sleep better. Headspace is meditation made simple. We'll teach you the life-changing skills of meditation and mindfulness in just a few minutes a day Go to the website or get the app.
Daylio logo Pick your mood and add activities you have been doing during the day. You can also add notes and keep an old school diary. Entry takes just seconds but helps you enormously. You will discover hidden patterns and maybe use Daylio to create some useful habits like running, eating more healthy or waking up earlier.

Bereavement Support

Cruse: support after the loss of someone close to you. You can call 0844 477 9400 or email from the website

Winston's Wish: support for parents or carers supporting a child who has lost a parent or sibling.

Grief and Loss Service: The Grief and Loss Service is for anyone who is experiencing loss of any kind and the grief and emotional distress that loss may cause. It’s a service which is available to everyone living in West Yorkshire and Harrogate. The service is a free telephone counselling support service that operates 8am-8pm, 7 days a week and includes text and live online chat facilities as well as translation options. The support service is staffed by experienced counsellors who offer information, advice and emotional support, as well as signposting into local place based services for longer term/specific counselling or other support. The West Yorkshire and Harrogate Grief and Loss Support Service can be accessed seven days a week, 8am – 8pm. Call the service on  0808 196 3833, or use text or online live chat at

Child Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Support

Mindmate: If you’re a young personMindMate can help you understand the way you’re feeling and find the right advice and support. If you’re a parentcarer or professionalMindMate can help you support a young person you know.

Domestic Violence

Police District Safeguarding Unit: to talk in confidence to officers who can provide support and practical assistance in cases of domestic abuse. Contact or call 0113 385 9590.

Leeds Women's Aid: provides drop-in support, shared refuge accommodation and more. Visit

Emergency Accommodation and support: out of office hours ring Leeds City Council Emergency out of hours helpline 0113 240 9536.

National Domestic Violence Helpline: call 0808 2000 247 (please note there is a charge for calls to this numbers from mobile phones).

Young People at risk of sexual exploitation

Isis: outreach support for young women at risk of sexual exploitation. Provide information on sexual health, housing, benefits, education, employment and all aspects of safety. Call 0113 243 0036.

Blast: information and support for young men and boys abused through prostitution or at risk. Call 0113 244 4209.

For children and young people 

The Hideout: help and support for children and young people who are living with domestic violence. Visit

Childline: call 0800 1111.

The Family Hub Leeds: directory of organisations and services in Leeds for parents, carers, children and young people. Visit

For UK children at risk of Female Genital Mutilation: NSPCC 24 hour helpline for help or support call 0800 028 3550. To report anonymously, email

For Alcohol, Drugs and Substance Abuse

Forward Leeds: a free service offering information, advice, signposting, treatment and support to young people and adults across Leeds. Call 0113 887 2477.