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  • Welcome to our 'Outstanding' Sixth Form

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    Attendance & Punctuality

    Missing lessons will mean missing vital information that may be key to your understanding of particular topics. Therefore, it is important to attend all lessons on time. 

    Please remember that school writes references for all students applying to Higher Education and prospective employers will always require that levels of punctuality and attendance be commented upon. 

    Attendance Policy

    You can read our Sixth Form Attendance Policy here.

    Absence Policy

    All Sixth Form students are expected to attend from 8.30am to 3pm each day unless prevented from doing so because of illness or because of educational visits or other circumstances authorised by school or when they have timetabled Home Study (this will be marked on Arbor calendars).  All other study periods should be spent in school.

    Students should not take time off school for minor ailments such as coughs and colds – as a rule of thumb, if you are well enough for paid work, you are well enough for school.

    The absence procedure is as follows:

    • On the first day of absence your parent/carer should ring or message the Student Attendance Line (01943 855682) giving the reason for your absence
    • If you are likely to be absent for more than one day your parent/carer should give an estimate of the length of your absence
    • If your absence is likely to be longer than 3 days, you or your parent/carer should contact the Sixth Form Year Manager ( to discuss your absence and how you will catch up with work.
    • Forms requesting permission to take absence during term time for extenuating circumstances e.g. participation in sporting or performing arts events are available on the website and from Student Reception.  It is strongly recommended that students do not take holidays during term time while studying for A-level examinations.  It is very difficult for students to catch up work missed during extended absences and this has a marked impact on student performance in external examinations.
    • For any other absence which you know about in advance e.g. medical appointment, please inform Student Reception or the Sixth Form team know.  You should also speak to your teachers and find out how to catch up any work missed.
    • If you are absent because of an unexpected emergency you should notify the Student Attendance Line and the Sixth Form team. 

    In cases where a message explaining the absence is not received, the Attendance Team may text or call home.

    Reports on punctuality and attendance at registration and at lessons will form part of your assessments. 


    • School starts at 8.30am and you should be in your form room at this time.  Your form tutor will mark you late if you arrive after 8.30am
    • The Farnley Lane gate closes at 8.27am.  If you arrive later than this you must enter through the Newall Carr Road entrance.
    • If you arrive at school after 8.45am you must sign in using your Inventry card and at Student Reception, giving the reason for your lateness.  If you do not sign in with Student Reception in person, you will be marked absent.
    • You should be in your classroom ready to learn no later than the time shown on your timetable

    Please remember that school writes references for all students applying to Higher Education and prospective employers will always require that levels of attendance and punctuality be commented upon.