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    The curriculum at Prince Henry’s is designed to achieve our vision of becoming an exceptional school with a culture of respect, where we can all flourish and achieve. As a highly successful learning community, which provides sustainable outstanding education for young people of all abilities, we want students to leave Prince Henry’s with the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to succeed as responsible global citizens in the 21st Century. Our vision, and consequently our curriculum, is underpinned by our six values:

    • Honesty
    • Kindness
    • Confidence
    • Independence
    • Ambition
    • Resilience

    Our curriculum has been planned to closely match the needs of our mixed ability students, who are mainly drawn from the market town of Otley and surrounding areas of north west Leeds.  Our Curriculum Statement can be viewed here

    Key Stage 3

    Students follow a broad curriculum in Key Stage 3 (KS3), comprising:

    • English
    • Mathematics
    • Science
    • Design and Technology
    • MFL (French OR Spanish)
    • ICT
    • EPR (Ethics, Philosophy and Religion)
    • Physical Education
    • Art
    • Music
    • Drama
    • Geography
    • History
    • Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education

    In Year 8, students take up the study of German as a second Modern Foreign Language and follow a “taster course” in Mandarin Chinese.

    Except in Mathematics, students are initially taught in mixed-ability groups. Some subjects set students according to ability at a later point in the year or Key Stage.

    For further information about the Key Stage 3 curriculum, please see the relevant subject page.

    At KS4 the curriculum includes fewer compulsory subjects, in order to give students a more personalised learning experience. This “personalisation” of the curriculum gives them the flexibility to follow courses which match their interests, abilities, preferred learning styles and career aspirations, and to maximise their chances of success in terms of accreditation.

    Key Stage 4

    The core curriculum comprises:

    • English
    • Mathematics
    • Science
    • Modern Foreign Language(s)
    • PREP (Philosophy, Religion, Ethics and Public Citizenship)
    • Physical Education
    • Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education

    For full details of subject choices and the Options process, please visit Key Stage 4 Options. For further information about the Key Stage 4 Curriculum, please see the relevant subject page.

    Key Stage 5

    An overwhelming majority of our students continuing their studies after Year 11 choose to do so at Prince Henry’s. The Sixth Form is highly successful and attracts a number of external students. For full details, visit the Sixth Form area of our website here.

    Subject Information

    All the information you need regarding the Curriculum at Prince Henry's can be found to the right. If you have any questions regarding this information, please send an email for the attention of the relevant contact to