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    School Policies

    Please click on the appropriate document below to download a copy of the relevant policy.

    For the following trust-wide policies, please visit the Trust’s website,

    • CLT Charging and Remissions
    • CLT Data Protection
    • CLT Complaints (parental)
    • CLT Privacy Policy – governance
    • CLT Whistleblowing
    • Admissions Policies
    • Privacy notices for Pupils, Staff, Volunteers and Applicants
    1. 16-19 Bursary Fund 2023-24_PHGS pdf
    2. Accessiblity Plan_PHGS pdf
    3. Admissions Consultation Final Report pdf
    4. Admissions Policy Prince Henry's 2023 - 24 pdf
    5. Admissions Policy_Sixth Form_ 2023-24_PHGS pdf
    6. Admissions_Policy_2024-25. pdf
    7. Admissions_Policy_PHGS_2025-26 pdf
    8. Anti-bullying Policy 2023. pdf
    9. Attendance Policy_23-24 PHGS. pdf
    10. Attendance Policy_Sixth Form_ 2022-24. pdf
    11. Behaviour Policy_PHGS_2024 pdf
    12. Careers Policy 2023-24 pdf
    13. CCTV Policy 2024-26 pdf
    14. Central Funding and Appeals Policy 2022-23_CLT. pdf
    15. Charter for Parents_PHGS pdf
    16. Data Subject Access Request Form 2021 docx
    17. Equalities Policy 2024 pdf
    18. Exam Policy Overview 2024 pdf
    19. Exams: NEA Procedure-Misuse of AI_PHGS pdf
    20. Fire Safety Policy 2024 pdf
    21. Food Policy - Nov 2023 pdf
    22. Freedom of Information_Publication Scheme__PHGS pdf
    23. Governor Statement of Behaviour Principles pdf
    24. Health and Safety Policy May 2024 pdf
    25. Lettings Policy 2023 CLT PHGS pdf
    26. Online Safety Policy_PHGS pdf
    27. Parent and Carer Engagement Policy 2023 pdf
    28. PHGS Privacy notice - Community Education - Oct 2023 pdf
    29. PSHE+Citizenship Policy_PHGS pdf
    30. Pupil Premium Strategy & Policy_2023-24 pdf
    31. RSHE Policy 2024-25 pdf
    32. Safeguarding Child Protection Policy 2023-24 pdf
    33. Scheme of Delegation_CLT_Approved 2023_Updated_. pdf
    34. School Bus Expectations and Sanctions pdf
    35. SEN Local Offer_PHGS pdf
    36. Sixth Form Standards for Learning Rewards pdf
    37. SMSC Policy 2023 pdf
    38. Special Educational Needs Policy_PHGS pdf
    39. Statement of Procedures for Dealing with Allegations of Abuse against Staff_2023 pdf
    40. Volunteer Policy_PHGS pdf