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    Course Fees 2024/2025 & How To Enrol


    ONLINE - to enrol, please pay your fee (see below) and complete the online enrolment form. If you would like to read our Privacy notice for Community Education students, you can do so here.

    POST - complete the online form or complete a paper form and send your it to: Community Education Programme, Prince Henry's Grammar School, Farnley Lane, Otley, LS21 2BB and pay your fee.

    IN PERSON - Bring the completed form and the appropriate fee to our Enrolment Session on Thursday 5th September (5.30-7pm) or if you are unable to enrol online or by post, you can drop your enrolment into the box in School Reception between 9am and 3pm in the holidaysIt is best to enrol online, if possible.

    HOW TO PAY (Enrolments are not confirmed without payment)

    BANK TRANSFER - You can transfer money to our bank account. Either fill out the enrolment form online or post one to us and state Bank as your payment method.

    Bank details: Account Name: Collaborative Learning Trust or Prince Henry's Grammar School (it varies by bank); Sort Code 30-65-22; Account Number 67133868. Please add a reference of your name and course for eg: J Bloggs Sp Int 3 or J Doe Patchwork Weds. Your receipt will be issued once the money has been received in our account.

    CARD - You can pay by card in person. We can take card payment by phone but, as the line is a busy school office, it may be easier to pay online, if not booking in person.

    CHEQUE – make your cheque payable to PHGS.

    CASH – we cannot accept cash through the post, but you can bring cash if you pay in person and bring the correct amount (in a sealed envelope). At present, we cannot count money or provide change.

    For further details, call 01943 463524.


    per ten week block, unless otherwise stated. See other fee table below for One-off Workshops.



    Full time

    Or Over 65
    in full time retirement

    School pupils
    (age 11+inc 6th Form)
    orin receipt of
    means-tested benefits#


    Language Courses




    Other Courses (see exceptions below)





    Sign Language Level 1* £130* £125* £115*
    Sign Language Level 2* (12 week block) £200* £190* £180*
    Dru Yoga/Pilates £68 £58 £43
    Gelli-plate printing (includes materials) £91 £81 £66
    African Drumming without drum hire £81 £71 £56
    African Drumming with drum hire £104 £94 £79

    *Fees stated here are for BSL Level 1  and Level 2 Term One, including £20 examination fee (Level 1) and £49 examination fee (Level 2). Please see important information on British Sign Language Courses here regarding fees for Term Two and Three.


    per session. See table above for 10 week courses.



    Full time

    Or Over 65
    in full time retirement

    School pupils
    (age 11+inc 6th Form)
    or in receipt of
    means-tested benefits#

    African Drumming £34 £32 £29
    Observational Art £54 £49 £44
    Calming Root Chakra Yoga £19 £17 £14
    Dru Yoga, Portuguese Culture £21 £19 £16
    Alexander Technique, Rock Guitar, Fly Tying £46 £41 £36
    Make a Tote Bag £38 £34 £28
    Make a Fascinator £48 £44 £38

    Benefits concession applies to (at time of publication): Universal credit and in receipt of limited capability for work or work related activity/carers/housing costs elements or Pensions Credit. If previously in receipt of Income-based jobseekers allowance, income support, pension credit or income-based employment support allowance, you may still be able to access this concession. Proof of eligibility must be shown within first two weeks of course.

    Viability of Courses and Refunds

    • All courses will run provided that they attract viable numbers.
    • It is usually our policy to only offer a full refund if a class does not run due to low numbers or tutor illness. In order to sustain the viability of the programme, partial refunds will not be given except in exceptional circumstances.