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    We are delighted at last to be able to share the report from our ungraded Ofsted inspection in December 2022. As an ungraded inspection, Ofsted were visiting to ensure we are still a ‘good’ school as last assessed in 2017.  This inspection could not have resulted in a more positive outcome, as the report states that there is now ‘enough evidence of improved performance to suggest that the school could be judged outstanding now in a graded inspection’.  Therefore, Ofsted will re-inspect Prince Henry’s on the graded framework within a shorter timescale where hopefully they can gather the evidence needed for us to be officially graded as outstanding.

    The process was very thorough and of course took the views of parents / carers, staff and students into consideration alongside observing teaching, social times and all aspects of our day to day practice.   The report captures much of the flavour of our verbal feedback but not all. We really were overwhelmed to hear the inspectors’ descriptions of what they had experienced in their two days with us and are rightly proud of the respect, commitment, dedication and positivity demonstrated which resulted in our school, staff and students being described as ‘exceptional’.  You can read the report for yourselves, but behind this, rest assured there were many other accolades and acknowledgements that our assessment of where we are currently, and also the improvements we are ambitious to make put us on the right track for further success.

    As always, we appreciate your feedback and are keen to continue to work on areas of focus to enable us to be even better.  I hope you are as proud of our school and students as we are at the moment. There is certainly a lot to celebrate and share. 

    Sally Bishop

    Please click on the appropriate document below to access our  Ofsted Reports.