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    Feet First Campaign

    Welcome to the Feet First Campaign!

    Feet First Campaign LogoHere you can find lots of information about the campaign, Community Walking routes, Park and Stride Routes and plenty more!

    What is the Feet First Campaign?

    The Feet First Campaign developed a pitch to Leeds City Council on Thursday 23rd March 2023 to get £250 funding. This will go towards promoting Active Travel in Prince Henry's and the wider community. We are working with various companies and people to get a professional map produced of Otley Walking Routes, to and from Prince Henry's, and to organise some in-school competitions. This is through the Modeshift Stars Active Travel Ambassadors Programme.

    This year, we achieved funding of £400, which we are spending on a competition and an event.

    How will the money be spent?

    All together, we have gained £650 to promote Active Travel (Walking, Cycling, Park and Stride and more) in Prince Henry's and the Wider Community. As well as our map, we have run competitions and events to promote active travel.

    Student Active Travel Ambassador Team with oversizewd cheque for £200 on the steps of Leeds City Museum