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    1. The School Day

    1.1 Getting to and From School

    On all journeys to/ from school remember that you are still representing the school. Please be considerate of members of the public, particularly on the narrow paths through Otley.

    Bus Journeys to school

    1. Boarding Cards and School Cards:

    •  DO NOT deface your cards, Bus Drivers may confiscate them. If this happens, students must contact Metro on 0113 348 1122.
    • LOST PASSES - Parents should contact Metro on 0113 348 1122.
    • UNDER 16 PHOTO CARD - To avoid problems proving your age, the School advises Students in Year 9 and above to obtain a Half Fare Pass.
    • ALWAYS CARRY YOUR PASS - Students travelling without passes may be asked to pay the fare.

     2. Waiting for your bus

    • ALWAYS behave appropriately on the bus and Bus Stop sensibly by the road.
    • Report any problems relating to punctuality, failure of a bus to stop at a particular stop, etc. to Student Reception on arrival.
    • After school, if your bus has already arrived, board it immediately.
    • If it is delayed, queue quietly in the area marked.
    • Do not play games, run around or go off site.
    • If a bus does not arrive, the Duty Staff will contact the Student Reception.

    3. On the bus

    • Be polite and pleasant to the Bus Driver and other passengers.
    • ALWAYS sit down in a seat where possible.
    • DO NOT stand in front of, OR at the side of the Bus Driver. 
    • Report any problems relating to poor behaviour to your Year Manager on arrival.
    • Remember each bus has senior students acting as Bus Monitors. They will report any concerns to Year Managers.

    4. Bus Behaviour Sanctions

    For students identified as exhibiting poor behaviour on school buses sanctions will escalate as follows:

    • 1st time reported – Student(s) will receive an in-school sanction, with a bus warning letter sent to parents outlining our concerns.
    • 2nd time reported – Student(s) will receive a ban from using the school buses lasting five school days.
    • 3rd time reported – Student(s) will receive a ban from using the school buses lasting 30 school days.
    • 4th time reported – Student(s) will be banned for at least the rest of the academic year. In serious cases this will be a permanent school bus ban.

    The above sanctions may be escalated more rapidly for more serious incidents.

    5. Contact

    Property left on buses - Students should contact Metro’s Lost Property Office on 0142 333 9600 after 11.00am.

    For further bus information, including bus passes, routes and timetables visit

    Cycling to school

    Cyclists must have their parent/carers' permission, keep their cycles in roadworthy condition, lock them securely in the cycle racks near the PE Office and never leave on them parts that can be easily removed. Cycles should be insured under parents' home policy. In the interests of safety, cyclists must dismount at the gate and not ride in the grounds. All students cycling to school must wear protective helmets. Otley Town Council Safer Cycling Map offers safe routes in the local area that may assist students getting here.

    Travelling by car to school

    In the interests of safety, it is essential that parents and carers do not drive into the school grounds to drop off or pick up their children. Quite simply, with over a thousand pedestrians and up to ten buses arriving and leaving the site simultaneously, this would pose a serious danger. Students must arrange with their parents to pick them up at a safe place outside the school grounds (see below notes on walking to school).

    In the local area please do not park or drop off near the pedestrian crossings on Farnley Lane or Newall Carr Road, for this is extremely dangerous. Furthermore, we request that you do not use the Yew Tree Car Park or Prince Henry’s Court for the purposes of dropping off / picking up students.

    Feet First Campaign LogoIf you must use a car to travel to school, we strongly suggest car sharing and dropping the student(s) off at the designated ‘Feet First’ drop off points elsewhere in Otley, leaving them to walk the last 5 or 10 minutes to school. These points can also be used at school pick up times, with no need to pay for parking, if you are just picking up from school:

    • South of the river - drop your child at the Leeds City Council North Parade Car Park or the Beech Hill Car Park.
    • North of the River - drop your child at Wharfedale Hospital car park.

    This helps to reduce congestion and pollution around the entrances to the school site and over the bridge.

    Walking to school

    There are two pedestrian crossings located on Farnley Lane and Newall Carr Road. USE THEM - even if it means going out of your way.

    Pedestrians must not use the driveway on Farnley Lane but instead should use the steps and footpath from Farnley Lane.

    If using the Newall Carr Road entrance, students must use the footpath in between the 3G pitch and the Netball courts and not cross the car park.

    Where possible, we encourage students to walk to school. Parents/ Carers are asked not to use the main school car park for drop off and pick-up due to the high volume of students and the school buses moving through this area. Further information on travelling to/ from school can be found here.

    1.2 Term Dates

    The days when you are required to attend school can be found here.

    1.3 Attendance

    It is important to attend school, on time, every day. Further information can be found here.

    1.4 Uniform Expectations

    Our uniform expectations can be found here.

    1.5 Around School Rules

    Our Around School rules are clear and simple: 

    At all times 
    • Do as you are told by staff first time, every time. 
    • Arrive on time - to school (on site by 8:25am) and lessons (arriving before the register is taken) fully equipped and ready to achieve your best. 
    • Wear your school uniform correctly and with pride. 
    Around school 
    • Respect the feelings of others around the site and be polite. 
    • Walk around the building quietly and on the left. 
    • Only access parts of the school, inside and outside, that you are allowed to. 
    • Behave appropriately in toilets – no food, drink or loitering. 
    • Eat and drink in the right place at the right time, putting all litter in the appropriate bin. 

    1.6 Timing of the School Day

    The school day runs from 8:30am - 3:00pm. Students are expected to be onsite from 8:25am to ensure they are ready for a prompt start. The day runs as follows:

    Time Year 7, 8, 11 & 12 Year 9, 10 & 13
    8.30am - 8.50am Registration Registration
    8.50am - 9.50am Period 1 Period 1
    9.50am - 10.50am Period 2 Period 2
    10.50am - 11.10am Break Break
    11.10am - 12.10pm Period 3 Period 3
    12.10pm - 12.55pm Lunch  NA
    12:10pm - 1.10pm NA Period 4
    12.55pm - 1.55pm Period 4 NA
    1.10pm - 1.55pm NA Lunch
    1.55pm - 3.00pm Period 5 Period 5

    1.7 Timetable

    You will study a range of subjects over a fortnight. Information about these subjects can be found in the Curriculum area of the website found here. Your timetable can be viewed on Arbor in the calendar area. This will always be the most up to date timetable. Changes are rare, but occasionally you may have a replacement teacher or a room change which will show live in your Arbor Calendar .

    1.8 Breaks

    Subject to demand, Henry's Diner will open at 8.00am to serve breakfast and other snacks. You must stay in Henry's until 8.20am.

    Students must not be in classrooms without staff. Henry's Diner, outside areas and the library are available to students, as appropriate.

    Morning Break

    You MUST stay on School Premises at break-time.

    • Henry's Diner and the Library will be available to Students.
    Lunch Break

    You MUST stay on School Premises at lunch time.

    • School Lunch is available for ALL years in Henry's Diner.
    • Henry's operates a cashless system. You will be issued with a swipe card that can be topped up by cash, cheque or online. 
    • If you eat in Henry's, it is your responsibility to clear away your plates and any rubbish before you leave the room.
    • Associate staff carry out supervision over the lunch period. They MUST be given the same respect as a Teacher.
    • To avoid disturbing other years' lessons, students must not access most of the main building on a lunchtime, but the Library is available to Students.
    Food and Drink

    You MUST NOT eat or drink in your Tutor Room, classroom or on the corridors.

    Water ONLY can be drunk in certain lessons with the permissions of the teacher.

    Hot food purchased from Henry's Diner MUST be eaten there.

    Packed Lunch can be eaten in Henry's, if there is room, or outside. See below.


    1.9 Wet Weather procedures

    • Three bells will ring to signal a wet break or lunchtime.
    • Please do not assume that because it is raining we will make the decision to have a wet break, and please do not assume that because a wet break was called at break it will automatically continue into the lunch period.
    Break Procedures

    Students should go to Henry's or the lower Science Corridor.

    Lunch Procedures
    • Year 7 & 8 - Henry's
    • Year 9 - Henry's
    • Year 10 - KS4 area of Henry's
    • Year 11 - KS4 area of Henry's
    • Year 12 - Quad
    • Year 13 - Quad
    • Main hall if available

    Students who would normally be in other areas of school, such as the library, can still go to these areas, although staff may choose to regulate numbers quite stringently during wet non-contact times.


    1.10 Henry's Diner

    Henry's Diner servery, showing food being handed over to studentHenry's Diner is accessible to students at break and lunchtime. 

    At break time, students can purchase food of a 'snack' nature such as toast, bacon butties and drinks. Sandwiches are also available.

    At lunch time, students can purchase larger meals. Snack foods, paninis and sandwiches can be taken outside. Plated and hot meals should be eaten in the room, with cutlery, plates, etc... returned to the appropriate point on completion of a meal.

    Students access the room from the door immediately opposite the Music block. Once inside, they should place their bags on a seat before joining a queue for either hot or cold food options, before returning to their bag and enjoying their meal. On completion, students should place any rubbish in the appropriate bins, clear away any cutlery and plates used then use the exit door to move to their year groups outside area.

    There is also a 'Grab and Go' window outside at break and first lunch, where students can access a limited take-away menu.

    Students in Year 11 (and 10 at lunchtime) have their own area within Henry's, accessed separately.

    1.11 Toilets

    The main toilets for student use can be found by the exit door from Henry's, at either end of the lower school corridor and on the Science corridor. Students are advised to use the Henry's toilets as they exit Henry's Diner before proceeding outside. 

    We have spent time educating students on being respectful to our environment, so students should know our expectations on the use of these areas of school. To be clear, toilets are there to be used by all students and should be a safe place for anyone. We therefore expect students to look after them and report any concerns or damage to staff immediately. Students found in a group in a cubicle, loitering or eating in toilets will be sanctioned. Staff are regularly on duty to oversee toilet areas. 

    At lunchtime, the lower school toilets are for KS3 students only and the Science corridor toilets are for KS4 students only. 

    1.12 Extra-Curricular Activities

    There are a range of extra-curricular activities available for students to take part in. Across all years there are sports teams, art clubs, musical ensembles and other activities that give you an opportunity to access activities outside of lesson time. Each September an 'Extra Curricular Activities booklet' is sent to students. The most recent version can be viewed here.

    Students wishing to take part in extra-curricular activities are required to have consent. Details of how this is obtained will vary depending on the activity. Details will be published at the start of the year.