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2. Lesson Information

2.1 What you will learn in lessons

The curriculum at Prince Henry’s is designed to achieve our vision of becoming an exceptional school with a culture of respect, where we can all flourish and achieve. You can find details of the curriculum here.

2.2 Classroom Behaviour

Our school rules are clear and simple: 

At all times 
  • Do as you are told by staff first time, every time. 
  • Arrive on time - to school (on site by 8:25am) and lessons (arriving before the register is taken) fully equipped and ready to achieve your best. 
  • Wear your school uniform correctly and with pride. 
In lessons    
  1. Be Respectful - Follow teacher expectations at the start of a lesson and stand in silence at the end of each lesson. 
  2. Be Ambitious - Do your work well without distracting others. 
  3. Be Resilient – Do your work to the best of your ability. 
  4. Be Kind - Put your hand up and wait for permission to speak. Listen carefully when the teacher or another student is speaking. 


2.3 Classroom Charter

Rights Respecting School: Our Classroom Charter

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international statement of the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of children all over the world. It is made up of 54 'articles' or promises. It was adopted on 20th November 1989.

Prince Henry's has achieved Level 1 of UNICEF's Rights Respecting Schools Award, which recognises schools that place the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of everything they do.

In order to guarantee the Rights of the Child in our school, students and staff have agreed a Classroom Charter, which sets out what we will aim to do. This is because we all have to remember that rights and responsibilities go hand in hand.

Article 19: Every child must be protected from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and bad treatment.


STUDENTS will aim to:

  • Respect one another.
  • Avoid all forms of bullying and discrimination, including name calling.
  • Avoid Aggressive or potentially dangerous behaviour
  • Report all cases of bullying to an adult.

ADULTS will aim to:

  • Adopt a 'zero tolerance' approach to all forms of bullying and discrimination.
  • Ensure that students can learn in a safe envirinoment, and that they are safe on corridors and at break and lunch times.
  • Treat students with repect.
  • Be vigilant for signs of violence, abuse, neglect or bad treatment.
Articles 28 & 28: Every child has the right to an education. Education must develop every child's personality, talents and abilities to the full.


STUDENTS will aim to:

  • Attend school, arriving at lessons on time and with the equipment they need.
  • Try their best at all times, making the most of the opportunities available.
  • Complete class work and home learning to the best of their ability.
  • Make sure their behaviour enables them, and others, to learn effectively in class.
  • Remember that all other students also have right to education.

ADULTS will aim to:

  • Plan and deliver interesting lessons.
  • Manage behaviour in the classroom to ensure that everyone can learn without disruption.
  • Use the Positive Discipline system fairly to deal with any unacceptable behaviour.
  • Give students feedback on how well they are doing and how to improve.
  • Encourage and praise students.
  • Treat all students as individuals


Article 12 & 13: Every child has the right to express their views, knowing they will be taken seriously. Every child has the right to receive all kinds of information and ideas. 



STUDENTS will aim to:

  • Listen to and respect the views of other people.
  • Accept that other people's views are as valuable as their own
  • Participate actively in discussion work.
  • Keep an open mind and avoid preconceived ideas.

ADULTS will aim to:

  • Ensure that all students feel safe to express their own views.
  • Create opportunities in lessons for students to contribute their point of view.
  • Take into account the views of students.
  • Keep students informed on matters which affect them.
Article 14 & 30: Every child has a right to have their own beliefs and religion. Children must never be stopped from enjoying their own culture, religion or language.



STUDENTS will aim to:

  • Respect others, no matter what their culture, language, beliefs or religion.
  • Value the beliefs of other people.
  • Take an interest in learning about other cultures, beliefs, religions and languages.
  • Avoid forcing their beliefs on others.

ADULTS will aim to:

  • Ensure that all students feel safe to express their own culture, beliefs and religion.
  • Encourage students to take pride in their own language.
  • Teach about different cultures and religions.
  • Value the beliefs of all students.
Miss Bishop has signed this on behalf of staff in the school who have agreed to support this charter.

Miss Bishop

2.4 Presentation of Work


Pencil case - Black or blue pen ONLY for written work, green pen for DIRT activities

Pencil - for any drawings, tables, graphs etc

Ruler -  for underlining 

Rubber, calculator, pencil sharpener, glue stick

  • Full date underlined with a ruler;
  • Title underlined with a ruler;
  • Class work or Home Learning to be written in top left hand corner of page;
  • All questions should be numbered in the margin;
  • The writing should start at the left hand margin and continue the full length of the line;
  • All lines and both sides of a page must be used;
  • If a mistake is made, ONE line should be drawn through the error with a ruler;
  • Use capital letters appropriately;
  • Underline the last piece of work with a ruler;
  • No doodling, scribbling or graffiti.

See a visual here.

 Joined up writing is NOT compulsory. It should merely be legible.

2.5 How do I know I am making progress in lessons?

Staff will give you feedback frequently. This is most commonly verbal or written feedback. This will help you to understand where you are making progress. Throughout the year you will receive a number of 'Progress Reports' at appropriate points in time (see Key Dates leaflet). Progress Reports use grades to inform you of your progress and your attitude to learning. Information about these can be found here.

2.6 Marking and Feedback

Making Feedback Matter

Giving you feedback to help you improve

All of your teachers will mark your work regularly, and give you feedback to help  you make the best possible progress.

To support your own learning, make sure that you follow the steps below:

Proofread your own work

Make sure that you proofread your work (see below for guidance) to check for basic spelling, punctuation and grammar errors. You will be given time in lessons to do this.

8 Steps for proofreading

  1. Check that you have used paragraphs to structure your work.
  2. Check that after each full stop there is a capital letter, and that there are capital letter in every name of a person or place.
  3. Check that you have used commas correctly.
  4. Check that when I is used in a sentence, it is never i - always capital I.
  5. Check apostrophes for contractions and check apostrophes for possession (Do not - don't; the car's tyres - belonging to the car). 
  6. Check that each sentence ends with a full stop, and that you have used simple, compound and complex sentences, and other varieties, to add depth to writing and guide the reader.
  7. Use apps on your iPad to check spelling, especially homophones (where/we're, their/there, etc.) and add wider vocabulary.
  8. Check that you have used a range of punctuation ( ) ; : ? ! .
Respond to any feedback from your teachers

Your teachers will often give you verbal or written feedback in your lessons. This will usually be subject specific, but teachers will also check for any spelling, punctuation and grammar errors as well. Make sure you are listening to this, using their guidance to help you improve and recording as necessary.

At least once per half term, your teacher will mark some of your work in greater detail. This will highlight areas that you have understood well and things to improve on. Teachers will set you a Target which is something to improve on in your next piece of work, and a Challenge Task (CT) to help you improve or reflect on this piece. Make sure you read your teacher's advice carefully and complete as much of the challenge task as you can. You will be given plenty of time to do this within lesson as part of our Dedicated Reflection and Improvement Time (DIRT). Remember your target for next time.

2.7 Keep Up, not Catch Up

Expectations on students to 'keep up' with their learning

On occasion, you may miss a timetabled lesson due to illness, an extra-curricular activity or for another reason. When this occurs, you may well miss work that is vital to your understanding of a particular topic.

To ensure your absence from a lesson does not hinder your progress, there is an expectation for you to take responsibility to keep up with your learning, ensuring there are no gaps in your work.

  • Ahead of your next lesson in the subject you missed, as a classmate for details of the work you need to catch up but, if you don't understand, see your class teacher.
  • You can ask the teacher in advance if your absence is planned, eg: for a sorting fixture.
  • There is an expectation that you will be fully caught up within a reasonable period of time. This will be determined by your teacher and will take into account the number of lessons missed and the nature of the work missed.
  • Home Learning is set on Arbor so, regardless of whether you were in the lesson, you will still be expected to do your best to complete it.
  • School sanctions will be applied in the usual way if these expectations are not met.

2.8 E-Learning

At Prince Henry's, all students have access to an iPad. This enhances the student experience. However, there are protocols that must be followed to ensure these devices are used sensibly. 

2.9 Wider Curriculum

At Prince Henry's, we offer a range of opportunities to students that support their development 'beyond the taught curriculum'. These opportunities are shown here.