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6th Form Resources

The resources on this page are specific to Sixth Form Students. They are a mixture of websites and reading lists. You will also find useful resources, including lots of advice for help with your mental health, on the other Online Resources page here



Tutor2u is an online educational publisher. They provide a comprehensive range of support resources and services to teachers, students, parents and other educational communities.

Hodder Education Business Review. You will need to subscribe to this. There is a discount for PHGS students, please inform them that the school is already a member.

BBC Business News.

ITV Business News.

Sky Business News.

The Guardian Newspaper.
Watch these films:

The Social Network

Fyre: The greatest party that never happened

Rogue Trader

Computer Science


Excellent resource with transition links from GCSE and a growing list of resources for the OCR specification.

MIT have made a number of Computer Science courses free to access online. This provides an amazing opportunity to access resources from one of the most highly regarded Universities in the world. Each course has videos as well as lecture notes and other resources.

Free access to resources with a mix of articles, visualisations, quizzes, and coding challenges.

Tutorials, plus access to tutorials for a range of programming languages.


Python tutorials.

JavaScript overview, theory and examples.

Object Oriented programming in Python. Tutorials and example code.

General reading with up-to-date news.

The Independent Computer Science News.

BBC Technology News.

Wired Programming News.

Design and Technology


Food Technology. The articles are very good and they debunk myths that are published in the papers and online.

Food Technology Reading List.

Bender, D. (2002). An Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism (3rd Ed). Oxford, UK: Taylor and Francis Ltd.

Brown, A.C. (2010). Understanding Food: Principles and Preparation (4th Ed). USA: Wadsworth Publishing.

Campbell J (et al) (2011). Practical Cookery Level 3.  Hodder Education.

Cesarani V (2002). Advanced Practical Cookery: A Textbook for Education and Industry. Hodder Education.

Drummond, K.E. and Brefere, L.M. (2009). Nutrition for Foodservice and Culinary Professionals (7th Ed). Hoboken, NJ, USA.

John Wiley and Sons Foskett D, Cesarani V, (2007). Cesarani and Kinton’s The Theory of Catering Dynamic Learning

Food Standards Agency. (2008). Manual of Nutrition (11 th Ed). London, UK: Stationary Office.

Jeukendrup, A and Gleeson, M. (2004). Sport Nutrition: An Introduction to Energy Production and Performance. Leeds, UK: Human Kinetics

Smith, M. and Morton, D. (2001). The Digestive System: Systems of the Body. London, UK.

Online resources to support Design learning.

Online Design Magazine.

Design Technology Reading List.

Fashionopolis: The Price of Fast Fashion - and the Future of Clothes (Paperback).

Little Book of Chanel (Hardback).

The Fashion Book Hardcover. 25 Mar 2016.

The Design of Everyday Things (The MIT Press) Paperback – 23 Dec 2013 by Donald A Norman.

James Dyson's History of Great Inventions Paperback – 12 Sep 2002

  You can find more online resources for exam classes here.


Stream your favourite Broadway hits Free 7 day trial, subscription afterwards.
Sonnets read by Patrick Stewart, on Facebook.
Theatre news, review, interviews and jobs.

Website for the National Theatre, including free plays streaming every Thursday on YouTube. Also, check the Drama pages of Firefly for further National Theatre resources.
DV8 physical theatre. Some work available for free, some via subscription (advisory of 16+).

Theatre as Sign-System: A Semiotics of Text and Performance.

Authors: Elaine Aston and George Savona.

ISBN-10: 0415049326


The Routledge Companion to Theatre and Performance

Authors: P Allain and J Harvie 

ISBN-10: 0415636310


Theory for Performance: A Student’s Guide

Author: P Auslander

ISBN-10: 0415974534


Practice as Research: Approaches to Creative Arts Enquiry

Authors: E Barrett and B Bolt 

ISBN-10: 1501357956


The Empty Space

Author: Peter Brook 

ISBN-10: 0689705581


Towards a Poor Theatre

Author: Jerzy Growtowski 

ISBN-10: 0413349101


The Director’s Craft

Author: Katie Mitchell

ISBN-10: 0415404398


Tutor2u is an online educational publisher. They provide a comprehensive range of support resources and services to teachers, students, parents and other educational communities.

Bloomberg Financial News.

The Bank of England website.

The New Economics Foundation works with people igniting change from below and combines this with rigorous research to fight for change at the top.

Wider reading.

Tim Harford is an author, columnist for the Financial Times and presenter of Radio 4's "More or Less".

Radio Four's "Pop Up Economics" programme.

BBC Economy News.


You can also follow Robert Peston or Stephanie Flanders on Twitter or Facebook.

Wider reading.

There are some really high quality and very educational films to watch – many can be found on Netflix.

Too Big to Fail

The Big Short

Margin Call

A Beautiful Mind



For English Language. Students search an article / pick a magazine to read and eventually will be asked to log in, as follows:

Username: Prince Henry

Password: Archive

For English Language and English Literature. 

Username: Englishotley

Password: phgsenglish

Classic Literature - 50 good books to read before you die.



Wider reading in Geography.
  You can find more online resources for exam classes here.

Health and Social Care



M.Billingham et al, (2016) Pearson Btec National Health and Social Care Student Book 1, PEARSON, London  ISBN 9781292126012

Revision guides

B.Baker et al, (2017) BTEC National Health and Social Care Revision Guide PEARSON, London ISBN: 9781292230443

B.Baker et al, (2017) BTEC National Health and Social Care Workbook PEARSON, London ISBN:  9781292299082

Unit 1 - Human lifespan Development

For the following theories:

  • Chomsky’s Theory of Language Acquisition
  • Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive development
  • Bowlby’s Theory of attachment
  • Gesell’s Maturation Theory
  • Bandura’ Social Learning Theory
  • The stress diathesis model
  • Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory

Social disengagement theory.

Activity theory.

Growing Up Poor: Britain’s Breadline Kids

How the Rich Live Longer

Pensions and the Price of Growing Old

Secret life of a 4 year old

How the Human body works

Unit 2 - Working in Health and Social Care

Job roles in Health Care.

Job roles in Social Care.

999 What’s your emergency?

Panorama  Crisis in Care / Undercover Hospital Abuse Scandal 

Dispatches Can You Trust Your Surgeon

Unit 5 - Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs
The Guardian website contains a useful health section containing articles and opinion pieces.

Panorama  Crisis in Care / Undercover Hospital Abuse Scandal 

Dispatches Britain’s Pensioner Care Scandal

Links for current case studies

Aisha – older female with vascular dementia

NHS Website

Video – Elizabeth is missing


Billy – Young male who is homeless

St George's Crypt Website

Video – Love and Drugs on the Street

Unit 11 - Psychological perspectives 

For the following perspectives:

  • Behaviourist
  • Social learning
  • Psychodynamic
  • Humanistic
  • Cognitive
  • Biological

Stacy Dooley On the Psych Ward

Dispatches Young, British and Depressed / Wasting Away: The Truth About Anorexia 


  See the History section of the Online Resources section here. Also see the History FIrefly pages.



Wider reading on all aspects of Law.



Choose your level, watch the videos and be on the way to success with ExamSolutions.

Solution Banks and Revision Courses.

A level revision and past papers.

A magazine for the mathematically curious.

Plus is an online magazine which aims to introduce readers to the beauty and the practical applications of mathematics.

The Wikipedia Maths Portal.



Long form TV Drama - watch the following series:

Mr Robot

House of Cards


Stranger Things

The Killing



Deutschland 83

Spend some time reading the Big Issue webpage.

Look at past front covers of The Big Issue – find them by doing a google image search.

Read The Guardian and follow their Twitter feed.

Read The Daily Mail and follow their Twitter feed.

BBC News.

Explore websites that advertise male grooming products

Old Spice 

Dove men + Care

Nivea Men


Explore websites advertising energy drinks

Lucozade – look at sport and energy pages


Red Bull 


Explore websites for homeless charities



The Salvation Army

Watch these music videos.


Corinne Bailey Rae – Stop Where You Are

Massive Attack – Unfinished Sympathy

Emeli Sandé – Heaven


Fatboy Slim – Ya Mama

Radiohead – Burn the Witch

David Guetta – Titanium

Read articles about the success of Minecraft and what is going on in the gaming industry at the moment. 


The Guardian

The Financial Times


There are loads more out there!

LIsten to the BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show.

Read articles about how films are marketed and articles about success of Disney as a global media conglomerate.

The Drum

Screen Daily





Key Stage 5 students have a username and password. Students can access exam style questions and additional activities from the textbook without being set them.

Vocab learning - search for specific courses to match the courses being studied. Some staff have set up groups for this already for students. There are also learning sets on here for the films and books studied by students in KS5.

Lots of online exercises on different topics and grammar points in all 3 languages.



Students are studying a film and a book.

Film: La Haine - Mathieu Kassovitz. Any articles / online material related to this would be great background reading.

Book: Un Sac de Billes - Joseph Joffo. Any articles / online material related to this would be great background reading.

Website filled with news articles / videos and activities for French students so perfect for A Level students. Linked to this is with all the audio files on.

An audio clip of the news roundup for the day, published a day later, with transcript with key words translated into English.

Links to free content in newspapers / magazines published in French.



Students are studying a film and a book.

Film: Lola Rennt – Tom Tykwer. Any articles / online material related to this would be great background reading.

Book: Der Vorleser – Bernhard Schlink. Any articles / online material related to this would be great background reading.

This German website is in multiple languages, including English, and has links in the Learn German section to current affairs articles, the slowly spoken news, reading and listening activities linked to topics on the A Level syllabus and lots of materials for reading around the topics studied.


Short German news articles with the option to listen / follow and download the audio.
100 second video of the daily news roundup. Really useful to keep up to date with what is happening in Germany with video.



Students are studying a film and a book.

Film: Pan's Labyrinth - Guillermo del Toro. Any articles / online material related to this would be great background reading.

Book: Como Agua Para Chocolate - Laura Esquivel. Any articles / online material related to this would be great background reading.

An audio clip of the news roundup for the day. published a day later with transcript, with key words translated into English.

A BBC news website in easier to understand Spanish with links to stories and articles from the Spanish speaking world

Spanish newspaper, online version.



PHGS on Music First.

AS and A Level Music Teaching resources.

Philosophy and Ethics


● General Philosophy Panpsycast podcast.

● Peter Vardy ‘The Puzzle of God’ (book).

● Peter Vardy ‘The Puzzle of Christianity’ (book).

● Eduqas AS Philosophy of Religions & Religion and Ethics textbook (book).

Challenges to religious belief - the problem of evil and suffering

● Tsunami (where was God?) – A channel 4 programme that examines how the 2004 boxing day Tsunami both challenged and strengthened people’s faith in God Part 1 / Part 2

● Alvin Platinga on the free will defence.

● Christians explain why they believe God allows evil and suffering.

● Phillip Zimbardo on the psychology of evil.

● TED talk - In the days following the tragic South Asian tsunami of 2004, the Rev. Tom Honey pondered the question, How could a loving God have done this? Here is his answer.

● Stephen Hawkins on the universe – good general links to how our universe began.

Arguments for the existence of God

● Alvin Platinga on the existence of God.

● Leonard Susskind: Is the universe fine tuned for life? Good link to the teleological argument.

● The genius of Charles Darwin – Richard Dawkins explores evolution. Good link to the teleological argument.

● Kalam cosmological argument debate: William Lane Craig and Sean Carroll.

● Sean Carroll – did the universe have a beginning? Good link to the cosmological argument.

● TED talk – Hidden miracles of the natural world. Good link to the teleological argument.

● Bertrand Russell and Frederick Copleston debate the cosmological argument.
Religious belief as a product of the human mind

● The big think – The brain creates religion. 

● Is the brain hardwired for God?

● BBC radio debate on Freud and Jung.

Challenges to Theist arguments for the existence of God

● Richard Dawkins: Biologist Richard Dawkins launches into a full-on appeal for atheists to make public their beliefs and to aggressively fight the incursion of religion into politics and education.

● Richard Dawkins: Interview and podcast on the ‘God delusion’.

● Alister McGrath: Interview on the ‘Dawkins Delusion’ and reasons for theism.

● TED talk - What aspects of religion should atheists (respectfully) adopt? Alain de Botton suggests a "religion for atheists" - call it Atheism 2.0 - that incorporates religious forms and traditions to satisfy our human need for connection, ritual and transcendence.

 Stephen Fry on the importance of ‘unbelief’.

● Daniel Dennett: Arguments for atheism.

● Sam Harris: Journey to Atheism sparked by 9/11.

● Christopher Hitchens – Why God is not great.

Religious experience

● The story of God – Morgan Freeman explores miracles.

● BBC radio – Discussion of William James on ‘The Varieties of Religious experience’.


● General Ethics Panpsycast podcast.

● Peter Vardy ‘The Puzzle of Ethics’ (book).

● Eduqas AS Philosophy of Religions & Religion and Ethics textbook (book).

Ethical thought

● Robert Adams’ Modified Divine Command theory.

● A short lecture on Ethical Egoism and the main criticisms.

● The Ego and His Own – Max Stirner.

● Ayn Rand on the value of egoism as an ethical approach.

Deontological ethics

● Aquinas Natural Law – uses slightly different terms to explain the Primary Precepts but still worth watching for the overall theory.

● A good summary of John Finnis’ version of Natural Law.

● Teleological ethics · J.S.Mill essay on Utilitarianism.

● Jeremy Bentham, ‘An Introduction to the Principles of Morality’.

● Utilitarianism – great introduction from Crash Course philosophy.

● Article about Robinson’s book ‘Honest to God’ which started thinking about Situation Ethics.

● Slideshow covering Fletcher’s Working and Fundamental Principles and the 4 examples he uses to illustrate these.

● General Buddhism Access to Insight / Clear Vision Trust

● WJEC/Eduqas AS Buddhism Textbook

Religious Figures and Sacred Texts

● Animation covering events in the life of the Buddha.

● BBC Documentary about the Life of the Buddha.

● Podcast introducing the Pali Canon.

● Range of information and videos about Thich Nhat Hanh.​​

● Official website of the Dalai Lama.

● Thanissaro Bhikkhu’s introduction to the Patimokkha.

● Article about the impact of the Heart Sutra.

● Podcast explaining the meaning of the parable of the Burning House from the Lotus Sutra.

Religious Concepts and Religious Life
● Use the general websites given above.
Religion and Society

● Detailed review and analysis of Stephen Batchelor’s Confessions of a Buddhist Atheist.

● David Brazier on why Buddhism is a religion.

● Website of Joanna Macy – socially engaged Buddhism practitioner and environmental campaigner.

● Lecture on the history of women in Buddhism.

● Keynote speech given by Rita Gross – noted author on Feminism in Buddhism.

 Dalai Lama on Buddhism and Science.

Physical Education & BTEC Sport


A level PE students will need to email Mr Curtis to request to be added to the A level PE course.

BTEC Sport students will need to email Mr Hyam to request to be added to the BTEC Sport course.

Useful website that covers a variety of content from the A Level PE course.

Useful website which covers a broad range of topics for the A Level PE course.

Useful to keep up to date with developments in the sporting world, for both A Level and BTEC Sport Courses.

Useful for Leadership and Stress management ideas in BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - Sports Psychology.

A Level PE
The following books are approved by AQA and Mr Curtis would recommend that A Level PE students purchase one/two of these:

AQA A-level PE (Year 1 and Year 2) Paperback – 27 Sep 2019

  • Publisher: Hodder Education (27 Sept. 2019)
  • ISBN-10: 1510473300
  • ISBN-13: 978-1510473300
  • Price: £39.99

(This book has been more recently published and combines the two books below into one, but includes more practise questions)


AQA A-level PE 1

  • Authors: Carl Atherton, Symond Burrows, Ross Howitt and Sue Young (Editor Mike Murray)
  • Publisher: Hodder Education
  • ISBN-13: 9781471859564
  • Price: £24.99

AQA A-level PE 2

  • Authors: Carl Atherton, Symond Burrows, Sue Young, Ross Howitt
  • Publisher: Hodder Education
  • ISBN-13: 9781471859595
  • Price: £24.99

These two guides are more concise for students to use as a study aid:

AQA A Level Physical Education Student Guide 1: Factors affecting participation in physical activity and sport.

  • Authors: Symond Burrows, Michaela Byrne, Sue Young
  • ISBN: 9781510455467
  • Price: £9.99


AQA A Level Physical Education Student Guide 2: Factors affecting optimal performance 

in physical activity and sport.

  • Authors: Symond Burrows, Michaela Byrne, Sue Young
  • ISBN: 9781510455498
  • Price: £9.99

BTEC Sport 

The following books are approved by Pearson and Mr Hyam would recommend that BTEC students purchase one/two of these:

BTEC Nationals Sport Student Book 1 + Activebook

  • Authors: Adam Gledhill, Richard Taylor, Louise Sutton, Matthew Fleet, Chris Manlay, Alex Sergison, Chris Lydon
  • ISBN: 9781292134000
  • Price: £31.66

BTEC Nationals Sport Student Book 2 + Activebook

  • Authors: Adam Gledhill, Amy Gledhill, Dale Forsdyke, Chris Manlay, Alex Sergison, Chris Lydon, Matthew Fleet
  • ISBN: 9781292134062
  • Price: £3



Online News (some have a payment fire walls):




Hodder Education Politics Review. You will need to subscribe to this. There is a discount for PHGS students, please inform them that the school is already a member.

A comprehensive reading list can be found at the AQA website. 


A Level Psychology revision.

A Level Psychology revision.

A Level Teaching and Learning resources.





Specific link for A Level Chemistry students, which provides lots of Chemistry independent learning resources.

Youtube Channel for A Level Chemistry students.

Chemguide provides concise and clear notes for each topic easily followed.

The OCR website has the specification that you can use to organise revision and links to past papers and resources.

Physics and Maths Tutor provides lots of topic test yourself questions with marks schemes and lots of past papers both current and legacy with MS.

RSC has lots of remote resources for Chemistry and good for practical science.



For A Level Biology students.



For GCSE and A Level Physics students.

For A Level Physics students.

For A Level Physics students.

For A Level Physics students.