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3. Behaviour Information

3.1 Behaviour and Attitudes

The  school's behaviour policy is currently being updated to take account of the changes to recording methods that have been implemented during this academic year. Once the policy has been ratified (anticipated to be 9th July) this area will be updated. You can find more about Behaviour and Attitudes at Prince Henry's here.

3.2 Rewards

The rewards aspect of the school's behaviour policy is currently being updated to take account of the changes to recording methods that have been implemented during this academic year. Once the policy has been ratified (anticipated to be 9th July) this area will be updated.

3.3 Sanctions

The rewards (sanctions) aspect of the school's behaviour policy is currently being updated to take account of the changes to recording methods that have been implemented during this academic year. Once the policy has been ratified (anticipated to be 9th July) this area will be updated.

3.4 Mobile Phones

Mobile phones should be switched off and out of sight from the moment students enter the school grounds in the morning until they leave the school building at 3pm. School use iPads are allowed in school.

Any student's mobile phone or earphones that are visible inside the school grounds during normal school hours will be confiscated complete with the sim card, placed in an envelope and securely locked away.

If the mobile phone is not seen, but it is evident that a student, however discreetly, has used a mobile phone, or has not turned the phone off, we will confiscate the phone complete with sim card.

Students will be able to collect their mobile phone from the Main Office at the end of the day, if it is their first offence, or Friday at 3pm, if it is their second offence.

3.5 Bullying and Speak Up


If you feel you are being bullied, tell an adult as well as your friends. You should expect that if an incident is reported to a teacher, it will be quickly and thoroughly investigated. The most obvious people for you to go to for help and advice are our Form Tutor, Year Manager and Key Stage Director - that's what they are there for. You can also use the Speak Up! button on Sharepoint.

If you are being bullied, tell a member of staff and tell your parents/carers. D not suffer in silence.

You can also access help by going to Mindmate. This website offers support on a number of things, such as stress, anxiety and low mood.

Remember - 'a problem shared is a problem halved'. Use the Speak Up! button.

Cyber Bullying

The bully sometimes uses ICT, such as mobile phones and the internet to deliberately upset someone else. Only give your mobile number or personal email dress to trusted friends. Keep all your passwords safe at all times. If you become a victim, do not retaliate or reply. Start by blocking the bully. Learn how to block or report someone behaving badly. More importantly, tell someone. Tell your friends and/or an adult you trust at home or at school. The school's anti-bullying policy can be found here.

Use the Speak Up! button.

Speak Up!

We want our school to be a place where everyone:

  • feels safe
  • feels confident to ask for help
  • looks out for one another
  • lets us know if there are things which make them feel unhappy or uncomfortable

Speak to your Year Manager or another adult if you are concerned by any situation or behaviours which you experience or witness.

You can also use the Speak Up! button to contact your pastoral team (eg. your Year Manager).

  • Seen something that makes you feel uncomfortable?
  • People are being unkind?
  • Events you have witnessed are making you anxious?
  • Ask us for advice
  • Keep us in the loop
  • Unsure who to speak to?
  • Press the button on Sharepoint and Speak Up!

Someone will then be in touch to discuss your concern. This might not be straight away, so please do not use the Speak Up! button in an emergency.

3.6 Supporting your well-being

Well-being Support

There is a range of support available to you in school and beyond. You can find it here.

The School Nursing Service

Now you are getting older, you are becoming more responsible for looking after your health. The School Nursing Service is here to help you make healthy choices in the years ahead.

Your school health team is there to support you throughout your time at school:

  • to talk to
  • to find the right help for you when you need it
  • to support your teachers to meet your health needs
  • to support you with health issues

This is a completely confidential service:

  • even if you are under 16, we will keep everything you tell us private
  • we will not discuss any information about you with anyone else, unless you agree for us to do so
  • in very exceptional circumstances, if you or any other person's safety is at risk, we may need to tell someone else. If this is the case, we will tell you exactly what we intend to do.

Please contact your local School Nursing Service for advice or information or with any concerns. Or you could ask someone in school to contact us for you.